I walked into Zara for the first time and my mouth hung open. I was overwhelmed by sadness because from the second I entered the store that everything that packed it's four walls would be amazing, and I would not be able to have it... To be continued
We can be Original too
A few days ago I was on IFB and read an article Original Content in blogs that was written by Vahni of Grit and Glamour. She took a survey on her blog to see which kinds of post her readers liked better, how easy the layout was to use, if her readers liked the really, super original stuff better or the sort of "regurgitated" content better, etc..
When I first started blogging I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't have a plan on what I wanted to blog about or who I was going to be as a blogger so I just posted random crap that was really terrible and made no sense and I apologized for posting more than once in a day. It was a disaster (yes, all these posts are still up (actually there aren't THAT many, but they are REALLY bad), after you read this you will probably go stalk my horrific posts of the past). Then I started really snooping around the blogging world. I was discovering all the "famous" blogs that everyone knew about already and a few that were not so famous. I wanted followers (just like any new or old blogger would), so I said, "Oh, a lot of famous blogs have just outfit posts and "what's in my bag?" posts and catwalk reviews and just picture inspiration posts." So I started doing that (kind of, not religiously but if you go back and see my posts it's pretty "conformist) and I got a few followers so I kept doing it. But then when I came across the article written by Vahni I was like, Screw this!, I'm gonna do what I want, and I don't have to post everyday, and if I'm myself people will like it. Examples: this post.... Crosses in Fashion post.
So before this epiphany I used to spend a lot (A LOT) of time wondering why certain blogs were famous. Most prominently, Tavi's Style Rookie. I would think things like, "Why is this girl getting more followers and more attention than me? How come she got famous in like four months and I've been going for longer and only have 15 followers that are mostly my friends?"
Please don't get me in trouble for saying I used to think those things! I'm just being honest. Now (and for a pretty long time before this), I actually totally love how much Tavi layers and I wish I had the eye for it she does.
Now I know. Well I knew before but now I know more concretely. TAVI POSTS ORIGINAL STUFF. No other blogs talk about Daria and Neopets (I'm in love with both.. Just saying). Or Pop Magazine instead of Vogue. Or knows about random fantastic editorials and zines. I could go on. T reason Tavi's famous is because she does stuff no one else EVER does, and she does it pretty damn well. And it's stuff she posts about is interesting, I found out about Daria from her blog, I find out about cool current events from her blog, I found out about Sassy and First Kiss. She's posting stuff that people have never heard of, therefore teaching us about a bunch of new stuff that people SHOULD know about. She's a FANTASTIC writer as well so even if her posts are long, they are always interesting and fun to read.
PS. I also think she writes and rewrites and reads and rereads and edits her posts over and over again to make them perfect (which is awesome! But I'm too lazy and ADD about stuff to do it...).
I think (think...) the point of this post was to show new bloggers and my readers what my philosophy on blogging is now... Maybe... I'm not really sure, I just wanted to share my thoughts with you (which is what blogging is also about). This was a super text heavy post so... PICTURE!
I think (think...) the point of this post was to show new bloggers and my readers what my philosophy on blogging is now... Maybe... I'm not really sure, I just wanted to share my thoughts with you (which is what blogging is also about). This was a super text heavy post so... PICTURE!

The world's largest freshwater fish...? I typed in "picture" on Google images and this is what came up first.
super camper's outfits for the past two days!
Hi! On Saturday I went to the Eastern State Penitentiary (an old jail turned haunted house) with my photo class to take pictures. It was pretty epic, if I do say so my self. The bottom pictures (photo creds Chelsea) are what I wore there, it was colder than I thought...
Shoes: Wanted, Jeans: Wet Seal, Sweater: Gap, Button Up: Thrifted, Lace Shirt: Free People
I made my giant Super Camper Shirt (every week at camp someone gets Camper of the Week, it was me in week two!!! Yay!!!!) into a tank top and paraded around very proudly in my bandeau. I enjoy bandeaus. Thoroughly. (photo creds Antonia)
T-shirt: Camp!, Bandeau: Urban Outfitters, Skirt: Thrifted Gap, Socks: Urban Outfitters, Boots: Wanted
I put both of these on LOOKBOOK.nu, here and here. If you feel so inclined, hype me! :D
Shoes: Wanted, Jeans: Wet Seal, Sweater: Gap, Button Up: Thrifted, Lace Shirt: Free People
I made my giant Super Camper Shirt (every week at camp someone gets Camper of the Week, it was me in week two!!! Yay!!!!) into a tank top and paraded around very proudly in my bandeau. I enjoy bandeaus. Thoroughly. (photo creds Antonia)
T-shirt: Camp!, Bandeau: Urban Outfitters, Skirt: Thrifted Gap, Socks: Urban Outfitters, Boots: Wanted
I put both of these on LOOKBOOK.nu, here and here. If you feel so inclined, hype me! :D
Crosses in fashion
Crosses: They are so fantastic, the shirts and the necklaces and the rings. I love all of them but I would never wear them. I don't know if this is like a touchy subject but I feel like I'd be disgracing the Christian community or something if I wear a cross, no matter how much I like them. I'm not religious at all and it makes me feel really awkward thinking about wearing a cross, whether its a tiny ring or a humongous pendant. But I don't feel uncomfortable about it because I'm scared of religion or don't want to associate with religion but because what if people become offended if I wear it? I just don't feel right doing it.
This brings me to other people who wear crosses. I pretty much live on LOOKBOOK.nu and a lot of the time I see people with cross t-shirts and jewelry and I wonder whether they wear it for they're religion, because it looks cool and they're Christian, or they just like how it looks regardless of the religious implications. Then again it would be awkward to email them or something and just ask "what is your religion, I creepily saw that you were wearing a cross double finger ring on this day on the post called "..." on LOOKBOOK last week." Yea, not gonna happen.
Also, I was reading a post the other day about how gap teeth are going in style and how its weird to think that things you can't change are going in and out of style. To me, this seems like a religious symbol is going in style. This reminds me of how the word "retarded" is used to substitute stupid, even though this isn't politically correct, it happens. Is it PC to wear a cross as a fashion statement?
What do you think about this? I want to here your "cross" stories and opinions because this has been kind of bugging me. I don't think I'm gonna ever change my mind about wearing crosses even if they're gorgeous, I just want to hear how other people deal with this (or if they think about it at all)?
PS: I was just thinking about Buggsie from Bedtime Stories. Say hello!

Maxi, Backpacks, and Cheetah. Not going to say "Oh My", because that's cliche.
1) Tennis season is over so now I actually have time to post! Yay!
2) Polyvore is amazing, it's not like I spent the last hour on it or anything...
3) Polyvore thingy: Skirt-Alexander McQueen, Shirt-shopthetrendboutique.com, Backpack-Tylie Malibu, Shoes- Giuseppe Zanotti, Ring-Amazon...?, Necklace-Me & Zena. I haven't heard of most of these BUT! who cares? Polyvore has them all neatly categorized so I don't have to do anything but click and drag. I'm glad fashion websites also know the laziness in which I live. :D.
4) Hi. -.-. Bye!
2) Polyvore is amazing, it's not like I spent the last hour on it or anything...
3) Polyvore thingy: Skirt-Alexander McQueen, Shirt-shopthetrendboutique.com, Backpack-Tylie Malibu, Shoes- Giuseppe Zanotti, Ring-Amazon...?, Necklace-Me & Zena. I haven't heard of most of these BUT! who cares? Polyvore has them all neatly categorized so I don't have to do anything but click and drag. I'm glad fashion websites also know the laziness in which I live. :D.
4) Hi. -.-. Bye!
purple gay day
Wear purple tomorrow to support the people who committed suicide because they were bullied for being gay. People should be equal, whatever they "are".
pretty houses instead of the city
Went to a bunch of open houses today. And then we came to this house. It's BEAUTIFUL. And amazing. And fantastic. I didn't take any pictures of the inside but I should have. It's and old carriage house and it has a gorgeous kitchen and amazing indoor balcony things. That pool is a swimming pool not just a fountain and that giant window looks into the master bathroom. I want to live in this place! I don't think we're going to buy it though. I had an outfit post today but all the pictures were super blurry so I decided It wouldn't. BUT! I wore my tapered sweatpants, saddle shoe keds, floral t shirt sweater, and a cardigain. SO COMFY! Anyway, Phillies game is on now so PEACE!
Today: Went to photo class (it was awesome, but we honestly didn't do anything). After that I met up with Adam and we walked to old city to go to AKA music. I got cheap used CDs from bands I've never heard of (winner). Then on the way back to the train I took pictures of every sticker I saw, because, they're awesome and I know some of the people who do the characters.
Now, going to my school to watch the Phillies game. Peace out home skillet.
Wearing: White sweater, high waisted polka dot skirt, brown belt, uggs (yuck).
Now, going to my school to watch the Phillies game. Peace out home skillet.
Wearing: White sweater, high waisted polka dot skirt, brown belt, uggs (yuck).
except that's kind of a lie. i just liked the picture. it should read 'cause lately i've been tired and lazy but totally inspired. or something. wittier than that though. anyway, went to see Easy A today, it was fantastic. like honestly, i loved it. AND!!! for the first time i saw the HP7 trailer on a big screen, i flipped a shit. honestly. peace children (and or creepy middle aged men... jk... i hope)!
As I was stalking style.com because I haven't been on there in a while I went onto the trends page. I wanted to see what Vogue (read: "fashion god") said was "in" this season.

I'm a fail at layering, I try to do it but then stuff doesn't match then it looks awkward but I try. Really hard (it's true). Anyway, I actually really like layering if it's done right, especially when it's layer sweaters.

I'm a fail at layering, I try to do it but then stuff doesn't match then it looks awkward but I try. Really hard (it's true). Anyway, I actually really like layering if it's done right, especially when it's layer sweaters.

Long Stuff
Yes. Good Vogue. I approve a two hundred million bagillion, to and a half percent. I love long stuff I don't care if its right bellow the knee or dragging on the ground, I just love it. I have no further comments that shed light on this topic so.. NEXT.

It doesn't do it for me. I feel like it's an extra flashiness that you can achieve with anything else. It seems a little fake and tacky to me. But I can be changed, if someone shows me something where gold is worn fantastically (and nothing short of it) then I will become a believer.

Man Clothes
I like the tomboyish look but not when it's business suits and pants like it has been on the runway. I like the more laid back men's style like baggy jeans and I dunno, huge shirts? I dunno what men wear... Except my dad. Who, by the way, is EXTREMELY stylish. If I could wear what he wears every day, I totally would.

All Colour
I can't pull it off, if I wear too much colour at the same time I look like a circus clown (remember this). I like it on other people though, it's really interesting.

I love fur. I want a fur jacket, and fur boots, and fur vests, and fur purses. Just fur. But not real fur. Faux fur. It completes outfits if their boring and such. I'm running out of steam for commentary here.

I never felt the fifties vibe. I dunno what to say because I'm tired, and I get all road blocked when I'm tired.
we really aren't going to go practice, are we
1. Went to UO this weekend and guess what? I got me some tapered sweatpants! Woot. I'm wearing them right now, they're so comfy and softilicious. Oh PS. These pants both look super short but ACTUALLY they're regular length, the models are just uber tall... like models tend to be.
2. McDonalds cravings have taken over my soul.... kidding but seriously. My tennis coach brought McDs to practice and I was so jealous and now I want my burger and fries! Then I saw this on tumblr and it made me want it even more. Yum, oh the beauty of junk food.
3. I irritate myself when I say this but sorry for skipping lots of days and stuff. I've probably said this a thousands times but I just don't have much time, like I think of all these posts I want to do (I really wanted to do an outfit post today), but I never seem to get around to it. I'll have more time in the winter because I won't have tennis after school (PE in school. w00t (second time I've said that in a post, not a big deal)). Yea, well if I don't post for a few days I'm not dead, I'm resting (anyone catch the Monty Python reference? No? Tis Sad). But I'm not resting actually, I'm doing stuff, like homework... Blech
2. McDonalds cravings have taken over my soul.... kidding but seriously. My tennis coach brought McDs to practice and I was so jealous and now I want my burger and fries! Then I saw this on tumblr and it made me want it even more. Yum, oh the beauty of junk food.
3. I irritate myself when I say this but sorry for skipping lots of days and stuff. I've probably said this a thousands times but I just don't have much time, like I think of all these posts I want to do (I really wanted to do an outfit post today), but I never seem to get around to it. I'll have more time in the winter because I won't have tennis after school (PE in school. w00t (second time I've said that in a post, not a big deal)). Yea, well if I don't post for a few days I'm not dead, I'm resting (anyone catch the Monty Python reference? No? Tis Sad). But I'm not resting actually, I'm doing stuff, like homework... Blech
over this weekend
Hi guys, I'm back, I apologize for not telling you what I was doing but it just wasn't on my mind. I went to Pittsburgh because my Grandpa was really sick and decided that he wanted to die on Saturday so my whole family went there to say goodbye before doctors took him off medications.
On a happier note. Happy birthday Daddy!!! It's my papa sans birthday today and he plays ukulele (that's why I started) so my mom got him a concert size ukulele and I got him a case for it. His two best friends from college came to visit and celebrate with us (because its 10.10.10).
This weekend I was transformed into a hipster. No big deal... My friend Thor and I are bff hipsters now. Yesterday I went to urban outfitters and got these fake glasses and this hat and a striped bandeau (finally!). Ps. I have a bunch of stuff on hold, I want to see how much my mom is willing to pay for. :D.
Tomorrow I might be going into the city, so excited! Ciao guys and gals!
On a happier note. Happy birthday Daddy!!! It's my papa sans birthday today and he plays ukulele (that's why I started) so my mom got him a concert size ukulele and I got him a case for it. His two best friends from college came to visit and celebrate with us (because its 10.10.10).
This weekend I was transformed into a hipster. No big deal... My friend Thor and I are bff hipsters now. Yesterday I went to urban outfitters and got these fake glasses and this hat and a striped bandeau (finally!). Ps. I have a bunch of stuff on hold, I want to see how much my mom is willing to pay for. :D.
Tomorrow I might be going into the city, so excited! Ciao guys and gals!
happy birhtday to MEEE (in two months)

I finally learned how to use PSE (Photoshop Elements), it's really addicting. So I made a birthday list (a very, very scarce birthday list). See that entire urban outfitters store picture? Yea, that was because I didn't want to put every single thing I loved because that would mean working on this for hours, or days, or months. But who's counting anyway?
PS: Those sweatpants: Alexander Wang. I. Love. Them. They're my favorite that I've found so far
I want to win a bag. bad.
kostenlos gemacht) bekommt eine doppelte Gewinnchance. (das klingt voll dämlich...)
3. Hinterlasst einen Kommentar unter diesem Post, mit dem Link zu eurem Eintrag und eurer Mail, oder nur mit eurer Mail.
TRANSLATION: This wonderful Picard leather bag which has a worth of 75€ by courtesy of the site Ladenzeile.de is perfect for school, isn´t it?
so, what you need to win is:
1. This lottery is to thank my readers. So please follow my blog - if you follow with bloglovin you´ll get a double chance of winning. I know, it sounds stupid, but a bloglovin account is free and the registration is done in 2 - 3 minutes.
2. Post about this lottery on your blog, and put a link on Ladenzeile.de and this Post. This raises also your chance to win. (of course you can use this picture)
3. Leave a comment under this post with your name, your mailing adress and your post - done! (:
SOURCE: cruel thing
Ladenzeile.de hat mir diese nette Tasche anlässlich meiner (noch nicht erreichten) 1000 Leser gestiftet, danke nochmal an dieser Stelle an Anne, die mir die Picard Scotty im Wert von 75€ zur verfügung gestellt hat - die ist perfekt für die Schule.
1. Dieses Gewinnspiel ist ein Dankeschön an meine Leser, bitte habt Verständnis dafür. Ein Google Konto kostet nichts, und ist ruckzuck eingerichtet. Aber wer ihn mit Bloglovin verfolgt(genauso ruckzuck und
2. Ihr könnt auch einen Post verfassen, und Ladenzeile(und dieses Gewinnspiel) verlinken, das verdoppelt ebenfalls eure Gewinnchance. Das Bild dürft ihr selbstverständlich verwenden. 3. Hinterlasst einen Kommentar unter diesem Post, mit dem Link zu eurem Eintrag und eurer Mail, oder nur mit eurer Mail.
und das bis zum 13.10
TRANSLATION: This wonderful Picard leather bag which has a worth of 75€ by courtesy of the site Ladenzeile.de is perfect for school, isn´t it?
so, what you need to win is:
1. This lottery is to thank my readers. So please follow my blog - if you follow with bloglovin you´ll get a double chance of winning. I know, it sounds stupid, but a bloglovin account is free and the registration is done in 2 - 3 minutes.
2. Post about this lottery on your blog, and put a link on Ladenzeile.de and this Post. This raises also your chance to win. (of course you can use this picture)
3. Leave a comment under this post with your name, your mailing adress and your post - done! (:
SOURCE: cruel thing
black magic and rice krispies for tomorrows snack time meal

If all this was my wardrobe, I might die. Beautiful ladies, beautiful clothes. All pictures from loobook.nu (I found too many to post all of them).
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