As I was stalking because I haven't been on there in a while I went onto the trends page. I wanted to see what Vogue (read: "fashion god") said was "in" this season.

I'm a fail at layering, I try to do it but then stuff doesn't match then it looks awkward but I try. Really hard (it's true). Anyway, I actually really like layering if it's done right, especially when it's layer sweaters.

I'm a fail at layering, I try to do it but then stuff doesn't match then it looks awkward but I try. Really hard (it's true). Anyway, I actually really like layering if it's done right, especially when it's layer sweaters.

Long Stuff
Yes. Good Vogue. I approve a two hundred million bagillion, to and a half percent. I love long stuff I don't care if its right bellow the knee or dragging on the ground, I just love it. I have no further comments that shed light on this topic so.. NEXT.

It doesn't do it for me. I feel like it's an extra flashiness that you can achieve with anything else. It seems a little fake and tacky to me. But I can be changed, if someone shows me something where gold is worn fantastically (and nothing short of it) then I will become a believer.

Man Clothes
I like the tomboyish look but not when it's business suits and pants like it has been on the runway. I like the more laid back men's style like baggy jeans and I dunno, huge shirts? I dunno what men wear... Except my dad. Who, by the way, is EXTREMELY stylish. If I could wear what he wears every day, I totally would.

All Colour
I can't pull it off, if I wear too much colour at the same time I look like a circus clown (remember this). I like it on other people though, it's really interesting.

I love fur. I want a fur jacket, and fur boots, and fur vests, and fur purses. Just fur. But not real fur. Faux fur. It completes outfits if their boring and such. I'm running out of steam for commentary here.

I never felt the fifties vibe. I dunno what to say because I'm tired, and I get all road blocked when I'm tired.
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