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Silk Screened Christmas Lights

Guess what super cool Claudia did today? She happened to silk screen. For those of ya'll who don't know what it is you put a design on this fabric type stuff and put it in a frame then paint all the parts you don't want inked with screen filler then you squeedgee it onto the canvas/shirt. Because that was so informative RIGHT?!?! I am now addicted to silk-screening and the top thing on my Christmas list is silk-screening stuff. I better get it... Oddly I'm not really in the Christmas mood, I guess I just have to completely deck out my room in fantastically tacky Christmas lights. Like is

Except more than this. And executed with more class (as much class as can be mustered from tacky lights). Lights are what I love about Christmas. The songs though.... I shudder just thinking about them.

PS. Happy [late] (C)Hannukah

to my dear followers:

I want to get to know all my followers =] Don’t be shy.

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Where You’re From:
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  • Favourite Type Of Music:
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  • Why You Follow me:
  • One Thing You Want To Tell Me:
  • One Thing You Want To Do Before You Die:
  • Something Random:
I stole it from tumblr :D.


This Outfit is Perfection

Sophie came over after school today. What does that mean? Ukulele, Elements v2.0, chocolate chips and uh... that ^. She found a bunch of crap on my floor and put it on, honestly I think it looks awesome. I want to do a photoshoot with just a bunch of stuff worn on top of each other to make a massive blob of awesomeness. I am not even going to try to name everything that she has on. That's my Ohama ukulele though. It rocks. If I do say so myself. Please enjoy listening to the mediocrity that I call myself playing ukulele. I do hope your ears don't bleed.

Ignore the awkward voice, as I said I am sick and should probably stay home. But, I shall not! Peace and Love


Feast Interuptus

Favorite holiday commercial this year. By far. I couldn't find the full version with the dog driving the car but whatever, it's still awesome. I love the extreme not matchiness of the table. And everything else too.

I want a sweater with one of those pretty and tacky winter patterns on it!
(except this one looks a little itchy and I'm not in love with the pattern)