oh my gosh! i have been so bad at blogging, im sooo sorry. this outfit puts three of my favorite things ever together: granny pearls from thrift ;), floral shorts and a lace top from urban outfitters (too lazy to get the link, sorry) under it. i lurve it. so i was commissioned by my teacher to make an ad for his book, i had VERY specific instructions. actually it is a competition between me and another artist in my grade. ANYWHO! i got paid $25 to do it, not bad for something i love to do! the first one below is the original, the second one is extremely photoshopped (last day of my free trial :'().

oh and my room is covered! in all the stuff i tried on this morning.... even though i ended up wearing this one, the one i planned LAST NIGHT. i apologize again for the blogging fail, i shall try to post more often. im trying to get ahead on homework........ im kidding, as people who know me know, that shall NEVER happen
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