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Hey guys/girls/gals/fellows, so yes, I have been more of a fail than usual at blogging. I made this video because someone on formspring told me to make one if I was too lazy to type... The volume didn't work when I tried to watch it on my computer so maybe it won't for you either, but you can still look at my pretty little face! If the volume DOESN'T work, here is pretty much what it says:
Sorry I haven't blogged
I'm going to show you some of the stuff I got black friday shopping
-Nail Polish: Sparkly and Yellow
-Shoes: Birthday present (because my birthday was last monday!)
-Dress: Only $10! It has a hole in the back (on purpose)
-Skirt/Skort Thing: $5, I enjoy it
-Socks: With that cool pattern that all the awesome sweaters that I want have.
Then I said bye pretty much :).
And even though I haven't been posting I have still been dressing (whoa...). I really like a lot of my outfits and I want to show them to you but I never get the chance to take a picture, I'm gonna try to do better with that one. Love you all!
Peace, Love, and Junk

The Cave- Mumford and Sons

Fashion- Lady Gaga (been in my head for ever!!!)

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