thursday, january 21st 2010
challenge: the contestants visited their models and tim gunn at a farm. each of their models were wearing a simple potato sack. their challenge was to create a dress for an industry party (the models had to wear the dress) out of the sack. they had a "farm store" with ribbons, buttons, extra sacks etc. set up at the farm that the designers could shop from, everything was free. this challenge was based on the saying (sorry if i say it wrong) "she could look good in anything, even a potato sack.
favorites: i had two favorites this time. the first was designed by AMY and modeled by ALLISON. amy did a dip dye for the skirt panels. hers is my favorite because you can actually tell that it's a potato sack and that it's interesting to look at. here are some pictures:

my other favorite was really simple and for some reason i really like it. it's designed by ANNA and modeled by CERRI. this one isn't very good, i guess but i think its cool. pictures:

that's it for this weeks update. and just for extra, tim gunn is probably the most important person on earth. i actually love him and i wish i was smart enough to actually enter his contests to have lunch with him.
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